+234 703 547 8217


Jepp Dynamic Contractors Policies

The company gives priority attention to health and safety of everyone directly or indirectly affected by its activities and due regard to the environment. Therefore Jepp Dynamic  Contractors Limited shall plan and conduct its activities in such a way as to:

  • Preserve the health, safety and security of our employees and all members of the public who may be affected by our operations through proper job planning, effective controls of occupational health hazards and prompt medical attention.
  • Minimise the impact of our activities on the environment.
  • Ensure standard at all times and work in harmony with the host community.
  • Recognize CASHES management as a line responsibility.
  • Recognize that no activity shall be carried out unless considered safe.
  • Complete projects earlier than client’s estimated schedule with all CASHES considerations in place.

In order to achieve these objectives, every employee must plan and execute his job in accordance with this policy. All such activities that cannot be carried out in accordance with this policy should be suspended until an acceptable precaution has been found.

Line management is responsible for the full implementation of this policy.

The focus on safe, secure, and efficient performance is a cornerstone of our operations. Jepp Dynamic Contractors Limited is proud of its HSE record, and strives to achieve safe, efficient, reliable, and cost-effective services, on time, every time. Our commitment is ongoing and long-term, as evidenced by the ongoing health and safety campaign which is embedded in our routine, regular safety campaigns.

Jepp Dynamic Contractors Limited is very well represented and active within the industry where we strive to improve safety performance and process by being engaged in the various client feedbacks and other industrial forums.

Our project management and quality assurance systems ensure that clients get the excellent service they require always.
Jepp Dynamic Contractors Limited policy is 100% committed to QHSE in all projects we execute. In order to achieve that we:

  •  Implement a quality management system
  • Enforce policy statement on HSE, Quality, Community Affairs, Security& Drugs and Alcohol Use
  •  Working towards obtaining ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System, Environmental management ISO 14000 & Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series (OHSAS) Certificate – OHSAS 18001

Company Management System:
This guides us in the control and management of quality, health, safety, environment and security in operations and projects.

Jepp Dynamic Contractors Limited has a strong and enviable track record of local content delivery and compliance.

  • It is the policy of Jepp Dynamic Contractors Limited to be committed to and support the importance of composite value added or created in the Nigerian economy through the deliberate utilization of Nigerian human and material resources for the provision of goods and services to the oil and gas industry in order to stimulate the development of indigenous capabilities, within the acceptable quality, health, safety, and environmental standards.
  • Jepp Dynamic Contractors Limited project management teams, engineering and procurement centres for all projects in the Nigeria Oil and Gas Industry are 100% located in–country.
  • Jepp Dynamic Contractors Limited offers training programs to all her staff in order to ensure the effective performance of their responsibilities as well as rightly positioned for global competitiveness. This is done by deliberately sponsoring members of staff to attend relevant seminars, workshops, trade shows, and conferences.
  • All our Assets and Equipment are 100% Nigerian owned and our vessels are compliant with the Cabotage and NCD Act.
  • Jepp Dynamic Contractors Limited sources and gives first consideration to Nigerian Professionals, Community personnel, Tradesmen, and Craftsmen over and above Non-Nigerians indigenes.
  • It is our policy to maximize the participation of Nigerians through continuous training of personnel. Currently, Jepp Dynamic Contractors Limited possesses the equipment and human resources needed in the execution of her projects.

Our operating philosophy is clear; safety is first and foremost. High standards of operation are underpinned through regulatory compliance, on time every time. Our internal auditing regime and Quality Assurance processes underpin the commitment to the client, personnel, communities, and local content.


We provide the best value to our clients by continuously refining our processes and cost structure.